Get skinny while you sleep (use this one weird fat melting trick)
Hi, real quick -
Go Figure Medium agrees I tried to enlarge the photo but clearly she or GOD or Jesus says enough is enough. I am looking at this and she doesn't fit to be the first to showcase. Her outfit is lose and her vagina hangs at least it look like it. Meaning she has a hangin #vagina. Did you see it? There are a ton of petitions with a lot of signatures that want agencies and sponsors to drop them. View One here. It has close to 100k signatures. VS shame on You.
When she walked it was like gross. I mean I am thankful for Ashley Graham and the other Figure Model that saved the day. Thank goodness I was thankful that happened because my stomach was so nauseated.
This is a real VS Fashion SHow when it came to interviews that many said VS in in malls well I have never been to a mall. But the ones who buy is woman size 16 and here comes #AshleyGraham and another Model don’tknow her name because they forgot to post it. but here is the photo I got.
Now this is what I am talking about the true power of Figure Models sorry I dont have a photo of the other amazing figure model infact don’t know her name but she also represented. If you know who she is comment below.